The Mawaqif and Mukhatabat
A J Arberry
Not Available
Kitab Al-Tashbihat of Ibn Abi 'Aun
M Abdul Muid Khan
Ta'rikh-I Jahan-Gusha
Mirza Muhammad
Diwan of Hassan Ibn Thabit
Walid N Arafat
Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion
W Barthold
Tadhkirat Al-Muluk
V Minorsky and 1 more
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Reynold Nicholson
The Saljuqnama of Zahir Al-Din Nihapuri
Islamic Reflections, Arabic Musings
Alan Jones and 2 more
The Travels of Ibn Jubayr
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Islamic Crosspollinations
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Averroes's Tahafut Al-Tahafut Volumes I and II
Averroës and 2 more
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Medieval Islamic Swords and Swordmaking
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Reynold A Nicholson
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A History of Ottoman Poetry
A History of Ottoman Poetry. Volume II
A History of Ottoman Poetry. Volume VI Turkish Texts
Books and Bibliophiles
R Gleave
A Chronicle of the Reign of Shah 'Abbas Vol 1
Fazli Beg Khuzani Isfahani
A Chronicle of the Reign of Shah 'Abbas Vol 2
Fazli Isfahani's Safavid Chronicle
Fazli Isfahani
Three Shadow Plays
Muhammad Ibn Daniyal and 2 more
The Vagaries of the Qasidah
James Montgomery
The 1820 Russian Survey of the Khanate of Shirvan
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Introduction À L'histoire Des Mongols De Fadl Allah Rashid Ed-Din
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The Geographical Part of the Nuzhat Al-Qulub
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The Portrait of Abu I-Qasim Al-Baghdadi Al-Tamimi
Muhammad ibn Ahmad Azdi
Hudud Al-'Alam 'The Regions of the World'
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Al-Farabi's Philosophical Lexicon
Shukri Abed
The Babar-Nama
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Shi?Ite Legal Theory
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A Short History of the Gibb Memorial Trust and Its Trustees
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Persianate Prose and the Making of Malay Muslim Literature
Majid Daneshgar